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Legal Notice

- Administrative and technical contacts


The domain names and and their associated site are the property of:



La Saluade

209 chemin de Babaou



He is the Director of publication, ensures its realization and administration.


The host of the site is the company: Inc.
Address: 500 Terry A François Blvd San Francisco, CA 94158 USA


- Protection of personal data

The owner of the site is solely responsible for the processing of personal data collected on the sites for which he is responsible.

These data are collected for the sole purpose of establishing an informative relationship with the Internet users who provide them.


In accordance with the law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 “data processing and freedom”, the users of the site have a right of access, opposition and rectification of the data concerning them.

Thus, each user can demand that information concerning him that is inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous or outdated be corrected, clarified, updated or deleted.

To assert these rights or report any dysfunction with regard to individual freedoms, you can send a letter to the following address:


La Saluade

209 chemin de Babaou


or by email in the Contact area of ​​this site.




- Copyright


The content of this site is subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property.

Copying on paper for private use of this content is authorized in accordance with article L122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code.

Its partial or complete reproduction, without the prior written agreement of the author, is strictly prohibited.

Photo credits: A.Baillet - Wikipedia


- External links


Hypertext links to other resources on the Internet are offered only to supplement your information and neither their content or the links they contain, nor the changes or updates that would be made to them can not engage the responsibility of the editor of this site. Consequently, you access these external sites if necessary under your sole responsibility.


- Modifications


The owner of this site reserves the right to modify or correct its content at any time and without notice without this giving rise to any right to compensation. The user also acknowledges having read these legal notices and undertakes to comply with them.



- Privacy policy


The personal data communicated by the user are only used in the context of exchanges with the site editor, in particular to inform and contact him.


They are in no case transmitted to third parties, except:

- to comply with administrative and judicial procedures

- for operating and maintenance purposes, for which the publisher and any third-party service (such as Google Analytics) may collect files recording interactions with the site (system logs) or use other personal data for this purpose ( such as the IP address).



- Applicable law


These conditions of use are governed by French law and subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the publisher's head office.

© 2021-2024 La Saluade
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